Five tips to boost retail sales in your optometrists

All optometrists would like to make more retail sales – and sometimes this can feel frustratingly out of reach. Here we take a look at five ways you can boost your sales.

1. Don’t make them wait

One thing that can be a major problem for retail stores is the issue of customers who want to buy, but are made to wait. And the fact is, many won’t be willing to do that waiting. Research shows that Americans shoppers will abandon a checkout line and leave your store after an average of eight minutes waiting in line.

What can you do about it? Firstly, you need to make sure that you understand when your busy periods are. Ensure that additional members of the team are on hand to help out at peak hours.
Additionally, you can have team members ready to deal quickly with any queries about products, rather than interested potential customers having to wait in a queue.

2. Turn returns into a positive

Someone not getting on with their glasses? Don’t let the process of returning items feel like a negative experience for them. When they come in to return, treat them like they are making a sale. Smile and talk to them with respect – this makes them feel valued.

What can you do about it? Give your staff training on how to handle returns without making it seem like a negative. Offer customers alternatives, or the chance to look at a new range of products that they might prefer.

3. Understand your customers

It is important to understand who your target market is. Who comes to your store, and more importantly, who actually converts? It is those high-converting customers that you need to focus on.

What can you do about it? As you start to understand who your audience really is, focus your product lines around them.

4. Update the visuals of your store

Don’t let your store get tired – it can really leave customers with a negative impression as they enter, and first impressions make a big difference.

What can you do about it? Make sure that you freshen up your premises on a regular basis. It might not feel like a big deal but a nicer environment boosts the morale of your staff and can lead to more sales.

5. Make sure your details are right on Google

Yes, we are talking physical retail sales – but don’t forget that many trips to stores start with a customer checking the opening times and location before they visit. The last thing you want is to be losing potential customers because they are turning up when you are closed or (worse) going to the wrong place.

What can you do about it? Check your Google My Business listing and update it so the right details are in place. Remember your Google listing is just as important as the details on your website or your social media channels, so it is something you need to get right.

Optical Success Academy specializes in helping optometrists become more profitable – contact us today for more information.