The various social media platforms can present a huge variety of possibilities for optometrists. Whether you are looking to get more exposure and visibility for your business branding, or you are looking to provide the best possible customer services, these are possible with regularly updated social media profiles.
Here are five fantastic tips that optometrists can use to ensure that their social media profiles are doing positive things for their business.
1 – Understand the nature of the platform
There are many different types of social media, and the ones that you choose for your business may depend on which you are most comfortable using. There is nothing wrong with this, but it means you need to understand the nature of these different channels and be aware of how to use them to their best effect.
For example, users on Instagram don’t mind sales orientated posts as long as the images used are fantastic and engaging. So great shots of your glasses can easily be accompanied by sales messages without upsetting your audience. The same can’t be said of Twitter. This kind of business interaction will simply be ignored on Twitter – it’s much more a platform of individual communication.
Facebook, on the other hand, has put a great focus into communities. Using a Facebook Group can be very effective and a good place for your customers to talk and interact, but once again, this is not somewhere that you can idly post sales messages.
2 – Share your reviews
Customers love to see positive reviews of products and business. This is especially true of independent organisations like optometrists. Customers, of course, look for recommendations and validations that they are making the correct choice when selecting an optometrist. Your reviews are the perfect way to get this across.
Consider asking your existing patients to write a review for you – and check if they are OK with you sharing it on your social profiles. If you have done a great job, most customers are more than happy to provide some glowing words about you.
3 – Consider working with influencers
Influencer marketing has become a fast-growing channel for smaller businesses in recent years. It involves working with social media personalities and popular accounts who may be happy to act as a brand ambassador or a reviewer for your products.
These influencers can open up your business to a new market, and their posts are seen as highly credible by their followers.
4 – Use social media as another means of customer service
Social media can actually function as a very effective means of customer service that many prefer over visiting your store, calling up, or emailing. If you have the resources to manage your social media at all times of day, you can promote the idea of customers interacting with you when they need any help or assistance.
5 – Post great content that encourages interaction
Ultimately, your social media posts can only be effective if you are sharing fantastic content. Consider working with professional content writers or graphic designers to create stunning work that encourages your followers to interact with you.
If you would like to learn more ways that optometrists can benefit from smarter marketing strategies, don’t hesitate to contact the team at Optical Success Academy today.