In It For The Money?

Entrepreneurs get a bad wrap. The general public often assume entrepreneurs are only interested in money. But that is not my experience both personally and from speaking with lots of successful and wealthy entrepreneurs. The most successful business owners are driven by something bigger than that. The money is a secondary thing. What drives me personally is doing things to the best of my ability in a way that truly wows and creates value for others. I want to do work that fulfills me. I want to do a very small number of things at a world class level. Being of service to a certain client who I can help better than anyone else. That is where I get my kicks. From creating unique value for clients. The money that comes arrives because we focus on delivering at the highest level.

Money is a way to keep score. It is a way to measure. Money is a measure of the value you deliver. So when a new client spends £1000 on a pair of glasses and they never spent that amount of money before on glasses I don’t think “we’re expensive.” No. I believe we deliver 5 times more value to that client than they would have got in Specsavers. And the client feels this way too. It’s pretty simple. They vote with their credit card. If they think you deliver 5 x the value, they’ll pay 5 x the price. If they don’t think you deliver that much value they won’t pay that price. So don’t think of yourself as more expensive than the competition. Think of yourself as delivering more value than anyone else. And focus your creative energies on finding ways to deliver more and more value and being of more value to your clients.

This is really the origin of our driving force at Jones And Co. to wow clients and transform how they feel about glasses. To give them an effortless and enjoyable eyewear experience. That is the focus. Yes, we are focused on growth and targets and we measure the money but the over-arching thing is always delighting and wowing clients by doing things at a world-class level.

We want to make our clients happy. To make their day. To make a difference in our own small way. Not a day goes by in Jones And Co. without the team getting hugs and kisses from clients. And that comes from genuinely caring about the people we serve. My team know I don’t take lightly the fact that people pay us a lot of money. I expect us to deliver on our promises. The client must be wowed. Here is a business strategy I wholeheartedly believe in. Charge top prices. But make sure you earn it!