Most people are big into protecting their stuff. Think about this for a moment. For your possessions and property, you likely have insurance against damage or theft, security and alarm systems, locks and bolts, and you’ll avoid situations and locations that may put your stuff at risk.
But when it comes to protecting your time, most people don’t appreciate the value of their time and therefore let it be stolen, sucked up, wasted and given away without thought by anyone or anything who tries. There is very little conscious thought going on about protecting your time.
The fact is time is more valuable than money. At the end of your life you’ll still have money, but you’ll be all out of time. Money is replaceable. Time is not. Don’t forget, we only get so many trips around the sun so we need to make each one count.
When you start thinking in this way it makes it far easier to make smart and fast decisions. It completely changes the equation on what makes a good investment.
You always have to consider what is the cost of doing nothing.
What is the cost of keeping the wrong member of staff on your team over six months or a year?
What is the cost of not changing your dispensing processes and prices and price guide over the course of a year?
When new members are on the fence about when to join OSA they often think it is smart to wait for the perfect time (which never comes). What they don’t look at is the cost of doing nothing for 3 or 6 months. The cost of NOT working on your business for 3 or 6 months is astronomical! Not having clarity or guidance or direction or inspiration and instead just plodding along dealing with the crisis of the day is very costly indeed.
OSA will hopefully help you value your time more, always keeping an eye on the bigger picture every single month. Because a month without that kind of thinking and making some sort of progress towards goals is a waste of a very valuable month.
If you’re not already a member and would like to know more about how to join OSA email Lacey at